You have the right to an oral hearing in at least one instance of the trial. You also have the right to be present at the oral hearings, even if you are defended by a lawyer.

In Ukraine, as a rule, the case will be considered with your participation and you will be informed about the time and place of the case consideration. If there is evidence that you have been notified of the place and time of your case hearing, and there is no good reason for your absence, then your case may proceed without your participation based on the available materials.

You have the right to file a motion to consider the case in his absence. If such a request is made by all the participants in the case, the judicial review of the case is carried out in the order of written proceedings on the basis of the materials available to the court.

The participants in the case have the right to participate in the court session in the mode of video conference outside the premises of the court, provided that the court has the appropriate technical capability, which the court notes in the decision to open the proceedings in the case, except for cases when the attendance of this participant in the court session is recognized by the court as mandatory.

There is general right to an oral hearing at any of the appeals stages of your case 

The right to an oral hearing also involves a duty to attend the hearings at the court’s invitation.


Last updated 02/11/2023