You have the right to an oral hearing.

Forms of administrative proceedings

Administrative proceedings are carried out in the order of general or simplified proceedings. 

Simplified legal proceedings are intended for consideration of cases of minor complexity and other cases for which a quick resolution of the case is a priority. According to this procedure, the court will consider the case based on the written materials in the case. In this case, you will not be able to exercise the right to an oral hearing.

General legal proceedings are intended for consideration of cases which, due to complexity or other circumstances, are inappropriate to consider in simplified legal proceedings. According to this procedure, the court will follow all stages of the procedure and you will be able to exercise your right to an oral hearing.


If an oral hearing is held, you have the right to be present at the court in person or through a representative. Before each hearing, the court must notify you about the date and time of the next hearing. Therefore, you must be reachable at the address that you have provided to the court. 

If you do not attend the court hearings and do not notify the court in advance about the reasons that justify your absence, the court can examine the case in your absence. The oral hearing must also be accessible to members of the general public. In special circumstances members of the general public can be denied access to a hearing. This can, for example, be in cases which involve a state secret or adoption secret.

The participants in the case have the right to participate in the court session in the mode of video conference outside the premises of the court, provided that the court has the appropriate technical capability, which the court notes in the decision to open the proceedings in the case, except for cases when the attendance of this participant in the court session is recognized by the court as mandatory.


Last updated 03/11/2023