If you think you have been discriminated against, you have the right to complain to different state institutions. You must choose the relevant state institution, applicable to your situation.

There are several state institutions in Ukraine that may take action in cases of discrimination. You can generally choose the relevant state institution depending on the field in which you have experienced discrimination.

[important] In most cases, such institutions are entitled to issue a decision and/or impose a fine. If you are seeking compensation, you could consider bringing a claim before a court.


The Ombudsman is in charge of implementing the principle of equality and non-discrimination. According to the Law, within the framework of monitoring the observance of the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen, the Ombudsman monitors the observance of equal rights and opportunities of women and men; considers appeals on cases of gender-based discrimination and gender-based violence; in the annual report highlights the issue of equal rights and opportunities for women and men and gender-based violence. It is important to note that the Ombudsman does not consider complaints regarding the situation, about which the plaintiff has filed a lawsuit with the court also. 

More information is available here: Ombudsman.

National Police

In Ukraine, intentional actions aimed at directly or indirectly restricting the rights of citizens or establishing direct or indirect privileges of citizens on the basis of race, skin color, political, religious or other beliefs, gender, disability, ethnic or social origin, property status, place of residence, linguistic or other grounds is a criminal offense

If someone considers himself a victim of such actions, he should write a statement about the commission of a crime to the National Police.

Sectoral institutions

Your complaint can be resolved by a relevant sector-specific institution if you have been discriminated against in the following areas:


Last updated 30/09/2023