In most serious cases, the hate crime is considered to be a criminal offense. When a person is charged with a crime, they are called “the accused” and the criminal charges are examined in criminal proceedings.

Criminal responsibility may be invoked for such offences as intentional bodily injury, murder, threatening to commit murder or to inflict serious bodily injury, rape and others.

Making perpetrators responsible for hate crimes demonstrates the ability of the State to enforce human rights. The failure of the State to conduct appropriate criminal proceedings and convict the perpetrator may result in a violation of human rights.

Criminal responsibility & Human rights

The right to life and the prohibition of inhumane or degrading treatment

Conducting effective criminal proceedings and calling perpetrators of hate crimes to criminal responsibility is an essential remedy of the State to protect the rights of victims and to prevent human rights violations. If the pertinent authorities fail to protect the victim by effectively investigating, charging, trying and, if appropriate, convicting the perpetrator, it may result in a violation of the right to life or the prohibition of inhumane or degrading treatment.

Prohibition of discrimination

Hate crimes can be considered to be the most extreme form of discrimination. The State’s failure to react to a hate crime situation with proper vigour may result in a violation of the prohibition of discrimination in conjunction with other human rights.

Right to a fair trial

If the state institutions investigating the hate crime, or the courts, do not follow procedures prescribed in the law, or the court proceedings take too long, this could violate the right to a fair trial

If law enforcement agencies, the investigation and the court consistently, without reasonable reason, ignore evidence pointing to a hate motive in the actions of the perpetrator and refuse to qualify the crime taking into account the hate motive, this may also violate the right of the victim to a fair trial.

The perpetrator’s human rights are also mostly associated with the right to a fair trial.

About this section

This section of the Guide will explain the types of criminal offenses which may be committed in the context of hate crimes and how to invoke the responsibility of the perpetrator.


Last updated 22/11/2023