How is your application examined?

After the Ombudsman receives your application, he will decide whether to open a case. If he decides not to open it, he will explain the reasons for such a decision.

If the Ombudsman decides to open a case, he may request more information from you or the state institution/s that you have complained about. If needed, he may also request information from other institutions or experts.

After the Ombudsman has gathered all the information  needed for the examination of your case, he will issue a submission to authorities, if it is concluded that there is a violation of human rights. If the violation of rights is not determined, the Ombudsman informs the applicant about the closure of the case.

If the violation of rights is determined, the Ombudsman sends a submission to other authorities, and it must be considered within one month. Read more about the effect of this opinion.

How long will it take?

The Law on Ombudsman does not establish a deadline for consideration of an application for human rights violations. However, according to the law on citizens' appeals, your appeal must be considered no later than within one month.

note The filing of an application with the Ombudsman does not interfere with any other time limits you may have in the Ukrainian courts or government agencies. It also does not interfere with the time limits for filing your application to the European Court of Human Rights or other international human rights institutions.

Last updated 20/11/2023