Charitable Fund “Right to Protection” (R2P)

The Charitable Fund “Right to Protection” is active in protecting the rights of IDPs, refugees, and stateless persons.

How can the institution help you?

  • Advocacy, protection of rights and legal aid provision to internally displaced persons
  • Legal protection of refugees and asylum seekers
  • Legal aid provision to stateless people and people at risk of statelessness


  • Provision of free legal aid related to internal displacement, crossing borders, social benefits, etc., humanitarian aid and psychological support to displaced and war-affected people
  • We help everyone seeking protection in Ukraine to get access to the procedure guaranteed by law. We represent asylum seekers in courts and support them in their integration into Ukrainian society
  • We help stateless people get access to basic rights (rights to education, health care, etc.) We keep working to improve legislation and applicable practices regarding stateless persons.

More information & Contacts 

Assistance to internally displaced persons

IDP Assistance Hot Line: (099) 507 50 90, (068) 507 50 90, (093) 507 50 90

  • 4 Yevropeiskyi Blvd. Office 224, Dnipro
  • 16 Serhiia Serikova Str., Zaporizhzhia
  • 28/30 Mala Honcharivska  (2nd floor), Kharkiv

Legal defense of refugees and asylum seekers: 

  • 21/26 Hrihoriia Skovorody Str. Section B, Kyiv, +380443371762,
  • 18 H Otakara Yarosha Lane, Kharkiv
  • Lviv, +380322761921

Legal aid provision to stateless people and people at risk of statelessness

  • 21/26 Hrihoriia Skovorody Str. Section B, Kyiv, +380443371762,
  • 53A Shevchenka Str., 4th floor, Dnipro, +380631925202
  • 14 Volodymyra Kozaka Str. Poltava, +380631925427
  • 13 Shota Rustaveli Str. Office 210, Lviv, +380930389461
  • 156 A Mahistratska Str. Vinnytsia, +380631925053
  • 6 Dyrektorii Str., Rivne, +380631925415
  • 6 Shcherbaniuka Str., Chernivtsi, +380930390071
  • Kharkiv, +380732650523
  • Cherkasy, +380631925329
Last updated 20/11/2023