The Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group (KHPG) is one of the oldest Ukrainian human rights organizations; it traces its origins back to the dissident movement of the 1970s-1980s. Since 1988, KHPG has been known as the human rights group of the Kharkiv branch of the Memorial organization.

The mission of the KHPG is to protect human rights and fundamental freedoms from encroachments by the State and assist the State in affirming and protecting these rights and freedoms.
Despite the reference to Kharkiv in its name, the Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group covers the whole of Ukraine through its activities.

How can the institution help you?

A center has been opened to help war victims at the following address: 21V Yaroslavska Str., Kharkiv, (Tsentralnyi Rynok metro station) There you can: 

  • have a free legal consultation
  • give evidence of war crimes
  • receive psychological support and humanitarian aid

Visits can be arranged through a preliminary appointment by phone at +380 50 505 14 15.

The reception office functions during the war in the following manner:

KHPG Reception Office can be also reached remotely via one of the following options:

  • by sending a request through the form
  • by sending an email to
  • by sending a message to our Facebook page
  • by calling the number +380 50 405 3015


  • Free legal aid
  • Defending rights in court. KHPG’s full-time and freelance lawyers represent victims of human rights violations in courts
  • Documenting war crimes and assistance to war victims
  • Media activities. The KHPG media department employs journalists who write about human rights every day. KHPG experts analyze draft legislation, the authorities’ actions, and systemic human rights issues and write about them on our website in Ukrainian and English. We have the world’s largest collection of texts on human rights in Ukraine in English.
  • European Court of Human Rights. KHPG has been a trailblazer in applying to the ECHR in Strasburg: it has filed over 650 applications to the Court, won over 150 cases, and lost none.
  • Educational activities. Training sessions and schools on human rights have helped many people become successful human rights defenders, lawyers, judges, and employees of government bodies and international organizations.
  • Promoting change

More information & Contacts

  • Legal aid:
  • Press inquiries:
  • Employment/volunteering:
  • Other inquiries:
  • Phone: +380 50 405 3015
  • Mail address: 61002, Kharkiv-2, PO Box #10430

Public Advice Center in Kharkiv
21V Yaroslavska Street (Tsentralnyi Rynok metro station)

Preliminary appointment by phone
+380 50 505 1415, +380 50 405 3015

Office in Kyiv at Akademmistechko
4 Omeliana Pritsaka Str. (arrival from Maksyma Zalizniaka Str.)

Admission by appointment only
+380 50 555 27 95

Last updated 20/11/2023