The State Labor Service of Ukraine (SLSU) is a national executive body of Ukraine established in 2014 to protect people’s labor rights and control working conditions and workplace safety.

How can the institution help you?

All persons under the jurisdiction of Ukraine are entitled to free primary legal aid.

The State Labor Service of Ukraine is a provider of free primary legal aid and delivers legal services as authorized by the Regulation on the State Labor Service of Ukraine approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 11 February 2015, No. 96. 

  • Provision of legal information, advice and clarifications on legal issues
  • Drafting legal documents
  • Helping individuals to get access to secondary legal aid and mediation

Requests for legal services should be sent to the following mail address: State Labor Service of Ukraine, 14, Desiatynna Str., Kyiv 01601, or by email to:

Requirements for legal aid requests can be found on SLSU’s website at the following link: 

Request form:


The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine directs and coordinates the State Labor Service of Ukraine.

SLSU is led by its Head, whom the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine appoints and dismisses upon the proposal of the Prime Minister of Ukraine.

The key tasks of the SLSU are labor protection, occupational health and safety, management of explosives, state mining oversight, supervision and control over compliance with labor laws, laws on employment, and compulsory state social insurance in terms of the award, calculation, and payment of benefits, compensation, provision of social services, and other types of financial support to ensure that the rights and guarantees of insured persons are observed.

More information & Contacts

Phone: (044) 279 00 85
Legal and physical address: 14, Desiatynna Str., Kyiv 01601,
Consultations on labor issues by phone: (044) 288 10 00

Last updated 20/11/2023