State Language Protection Commissioner

The State Language Protection Commissioner is an official whose status, powers, and procedure for exercising them are defined in the Law of Ukraine “On Ensuring the Functioning of Ukrainian as the State Language.” The Commissioner must protect your language rights.

How can the institution help you?

Everyone can complain to the State Language Protection Commissioner about violations of the Law on State Language Protection and request that obstacles and restrictions to the use of the state language be removed.

Complaints should be filed with the Commissioner within six months from the day when the applicant detected the violation.

The Commissioner does not review applications that are being considered by courts and suspends the review if the interested person has filed a lawsuit, application, or complaint with the court.


The Commissioner acts independently of other authorities and officials and is appointed by the Cabinet of Ministers under a special procedure for the term of five years. 

The Commissioner: 

  • rotects the Ukrainian as the state language
  • protects the right of the citizens of Ukraine to receive information and services in public areas defined by this Law in the state language throughout Ukraine and to have obstacles and restrictions to its use removed

More information & Contacts



You can submit a written complaint or send it by mail to the following address: 12 Muzeinyi Lane, 01001 Kyiv, Re: State Language Protection Commissioner.

A written complaint can also be filed by using the digital form:

Last updated 20/11/2023