Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman)

Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights exercises parliamentary oversight of the observance of constitutional human and citizen rights and freedoms.

According to the Law of Ukraine “On the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights,” any individual can apply to the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights if their rights have been violated by state authorities, local governments, their officers and officials, as well as by legal entities and other individuals.


The Commissioner has the right to:

  • make proposals to enhance Ukrainian law on the protection of human and citizen rights and freedoms
  • file constitutional petitions with the Constitutional Court of Ukraine
  • monitor how state authorities observe human and citizen rights and freedoms
  • make visits to places of detention without any prior notice of their time and purpose
  • summon officials and officers, Ukrainian citizens, foreigners, and stateless persons for oral or written clarifications regarding circumstances under scrutiny in the case
  • seek legal recourse to protect the rights and freedoms of individuals who, due to their physical condition, underage, elder age, incapacity, or limited capacity, are unable to independently defend their rights and freedoms; participate in court trials under proceedings opened following his/her claims (applications, motions (petitions))
  • submit remedial action requests to authorities requiring that they take action if human and citizen rights and freedoms are violated

More information & Contacts


Applications can be filed to the email address:

An application must indicate the surname, name, patronymic, and place of residence of the individual and outline the subject matter of the issue, comments, suggestions, statements or grievances, requests, or demands. The applicant(s) must sign and date the written application. Besides, the electronic message should indicate the email address to which the applicant may be provided with a response, or information about other ways to contact them.

An application that fails to meet the above requirements will be sent back to the applicant with relevant clarifications no later than ten days from its arrival, except for the circumstances specified in Part 1 of Article 7 of the Law of Ukraine “On Citizens’ Appeals.”

The Reception Office of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights functions as follows
Address: 21/8 Instytutska Str. 01008, Kyiv

0800-50-17-20 (toll-free)
044-299-74-08 (for information requests only)

Last updated 20/11/2023