What should one know about human rights?

All people are entitled to human rights.

Anyone, anywhere

Human rights do not arise due to your nationality, race, gender, sexual orientation or wealth. Sometimes people think that only those people who have done nothing wrong have human rights and that others don’t deserve them. That is not true. Some rights may be restricted at times, but human rights as such cannot be taken away from anyone.

example If you have committed a crime and end up in prison, your freedom will be restricted, which is part of your punishment. But you cannot be beaten, starved or called bad names.

Balancing rights

Human rights do not mean that you can do anything you want. It can be explained best by saying that your freedoms end where someone else’s rights start. Your interests and rights have to be balanced with those of other people and compromise needs to be found.

example You cannot conduct an unsanctioned demonstration on the street and by doing this block other people on their way to work. It does not mean that you cannot demonstrate at all or that the rights of others to get to work is more important. But in every situation the interests of different people have to be evaluated and balanced. The State needs to provide an authorised institution to do that.


Human rights do not mean that you can do anything you want. It can be explained best by saying that your freedoms end where someone else’s rights start. Your interests and rights have to be balanced with those of other people and compromise needs to be found.

example You can file a notice to hold a demonstration. However, if the authorities decide that there are other important interests of the people or society, then they can apply to the court to restrict the freedom of peaceful assembly. Assessing the needs of the people or society, the court may change the route of the demonstration, limit certain forms of demonstration, change the time frame or take other measures to strike a balance between your exercise of freedom of assembly and the exercise of rights by others.

Last updated 20/11/2023